I have been playing that tune an awful lot with my divorce, but it's not as if people (including Gino's own mother) are disagreeing with me. He has always been, and I suspect will always be, a total dummy when it comes to women. He stuck it out with me for seven years, but he never stopped shopping around for someone who was a better fit. He is a dangerous kind of dumb, because he thinks he is intellectually superior to most people he meets. He was always trying to "educate" me and implying that I was not that bright. This assessment was almost entirely based on the fact that I did not want to read Zecharia Sitchin. I would listen to Gino talk about him, and I would contribute what little I could to the conversation, but I didn't want to spend my free time reading a bunch of bullshit about aliens. That is not exactly a flaw in my character, and I doubt I am alone here. I think he thought he could just slide right into a relationship with the girl he identified as a better match for him, because she was a "science nerd". He brought her over to the house once, before we broke up, to watch "Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman", and I am not exaggerating when I say that she had the attention span of a poodle. She seemed incapable of shutting up for longer than thirty seconds, and she kept changing the conversation away from what the show was about. She seemed about as interested in science as Gino was in watching a documentary about shoes. She probably told Gino that she really liked science so that he would really like her. Girls do that- we oversell our interest in something so that we look a little better. Still, Gino bought it because he'll believe anything that comes out of the mouth of someone with tits.
It was pretty dumb for him to assume they were going to start dating once I was out of the picture. She was still dating someone else, and she is 20 goddamn years old. And a young 20 at that. I'm being judgmental and bitchy about her, but I have kind of run out of fucks to give. When a 20-year-old who works in the hotel laundry is considered a better choice than you, you get kind of cunty about it.

I don't think I can ever not be stupid when it comes to love, though. I do a lot of shit that looks dumb in hindsight, just because I can't help it. Still, once something is over, everything you did for that person looks like a lot of wasted time because all of those nice things did not stop them from curb-stomping your heart. I am trying not to regret anything, and I actually still miss doing things for Gino. I was making a grilled cheese sandwich the other day, and it hit me that I would never make a grilled cheese for this man ever again. I got a little weepy and then I didn't even want the grilled cheese. There is nothing more pathetic in the world than eating a grilled cheese sandwich while crying and wearing your ex's sweatshirt.
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